As a follower of Jesus, we believe it is crucial you be connected with a local gathering of believers under the spiritual guidance and instruction of a pastor. As we see in Acts 2, when new believers were saved and baptized, they immediately began to gather together as local church families, covenanting to one another and partnering together for the advance of the gospel. A huge part of following Jesus means committing to do life and ministry with other believers.
Many churches refer to this covenant commitment to a local body of believers as Church Membership. We believe this is a biblical practice for the church, however, the term membership fails to convey what we believe being a part of a church family truly means. Rather than communicating an exclusive membership where you get certain benefits for becoming a member, we aim to show that being involved with our church family means participating for the advance the gospel. Therefore, Church membership communicates the right idea of what church truly is: being part of gospel advance through our church family (Phil. 1:5). We encourage each regular attendee to consider membership with us in accomplishing Our Mission to love God, love people, and make disciples.