As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace...
1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)
God is all about using people for His glory. Of His twelve disciples, four were uneducated fishermen and one was a tax collector. In the kingdom of God, degrees and prestige do not determine if one is fit for serving in kingdom ministry. What qualifies someone for kingdom ministry is your God-given gifts through the Holy Spirit. Each and every one of us sealed with the Spirit of God have also been afforded a grace called spiritual giftings, talents and abilities empowered by God for the purpose of building God's kingdom. Some of you can play music, others are good at organization and administration, and still others are great a teaching and preaching. All of these and more can and should be used in church ministry (for a comprehensive list of spiritual giftings, check out Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; and 1 Corinthians 12:28).
We encourage you to invest not only your treasures, but also your time and talents for the sake of advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ into new hearts and lives. If you are interested in serving in our church family, check out each ministry's page or check out the ministry teams below to find a fit for you!
One of the ways we strive for radical hospitality as listed as one of our core values is through our welcome team. This includes greeting people at the door as they arrive on a Sunday morning, and doing the service welcome and announcements.
Prayer is one way we both talk to and here from God which is why it is foundational to all that we do here at the church. Every Sunday we have a prayer team that prays during the sermon, interceding on behalf of the speaker and those listening. Every Monday at 6:30 PM there is a prayer meeting that gathers to intercede on behalf of the church, the surrounding community, our nation and the world.
The media team plays a crucial role in how the mission of the church is both seen and heard. If you are detail oriented and are always willing to to learn, this might be for you. The media team consists of a rotation of sound board and computer operators for Sunday morning services.
Are you musically inclined and are aching to use your gift? Then this might be a great area for you to serve! Whether it's an instrument or your voice, we would love for you to get in involved.
There is a lot of maintenance that goes into the church property including lawn care, building upkeep and repairs. If you love mowing lawns and/or consider yourself a handyman, let us know!